El Zurriburri

"La revista digital del Manrique cultural"

Zurriburri Nº 0121. Short Story: The Basement.

(martes 31 de octubre de 2023)

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Image 1. (Image with free license)

Do you believe in monsters? Do you believe in goblins, vampires, werewolves…? The truth is that we all have thought about them at some point, but do you really think they exist? The most common answer is that they don’t. However, the story I’m about to tell you might make you think otherwise, or at least leave you thinking... 

It was 1970, so many years before the videogame Sonic the Hedgehog was even an idea, a time when the Internet had not already been launched to the public, and when horror movies were a major source of interest for most people. In the small town of Flightsbury, there was a kid named Jonah, he was like you would imagine, an ordinary teenager. Jonah’s best friend was Henry. They did everything together and they were alike in terms of mindset.

It was October 24th, Halloween was around the corner and the streets were filled with decorations. Jonah and Henry wanted to watch the newest film Friday the 13th and hang out for the rest of the day. However, in the middle of it something else caught their attention. Opposite Jonah’s house there was an abandoned mansion. People in the neighbourhood usually stayed away from it, as most of the times those who dared come nearby…well…vanished! Despite that, Jonah and Henry didn’t think it was such a big deal, so late that night they prepared themselves to get in. They filled their backpacks with flashlights and other items they would probably need on their adventure into the neglected building. When both of their parents had fallen asleep, they snuck out of their houses and broke into the old house.

It was dark inside and the smell of rotten food and old wood filled the air, but that didn’t stop them. After a long search, they found a door which seemed to lead to the basement. Little did they know what was in store for them down there. As they went downstairs, they noticed that the place was huge, far too big to be a basement. Suddenly, they saw what seemed like some kind of black and purple dots that were glowing in the dark. There were also broken vials labelled ‘Dark Nether’. They soon realised that the dots, which turned out to be some kind of creepy creatures, had started moving towards them. There were beyond startled. They were horrified.

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Image 2. (Image with free license).

The creatures, roaring, ran towards them. So Jonah and Henry pointed at them with their flashlights. To their surprise, the creatures seemed to be hurt by the light. Then, an idea popped into their minds. Maybe, if they were just able to turn on the generator, they could defeat the creatures. Jonah managed to lift up a lever that was near him and a strong flash of light blinded both of them for a moment. A few minutes later the creatures were gone, so they did what anyone would have done. They ran out of the house. To this day, they have never come nearby the house again for fear it will happen again… 


Autor:Iván Skorpanich, alumno de 2º ESO del IES Jorge Manrique.


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