El Zurriburri

"La revista digital del Manrique cultural"

Zurriburri Nº 0051. G.T. A story.

(viernes 20 de noviembre de 2020)

                                                                                              A Story 


It had been the most surprising thing that had ever happened to them, and probably ever would. They had already collected all the necessary money, but even with all the cents, hope hadn´t been an option until then. Marcus, Greta and Elisabeth looked at each other with tears in their eyes, G.T had accepted their petition and he was going to help them with the urgent medication their mother needed. After giving themselves time to recover from the shock, Marcus, the older one, started to organise the operation: `` I will go for the medication at dawn as G.T says, and you two will take care of mum until I arrive, okay? We can´t call anyone’s attention or the Government´s police will arrest us; this is mums only chance´´. And that way was done.

Marcus looked at the rusty clock in the building, it has already passed 5 minutes since the hour established, and G.T hadn´t appeared yet. He was about to give up when suddenly, in the blinking light of a lamppost, he saw that sparkling golden teeth coming from that weird smile, ``G.T, golden teeth´´ he muttered. He started to approach the mysterious figure, and when he was about 1 meter from it, the man´s voice stopped him: `` Marcus, right? Okay, we have to be quick, leave the money where you are, your medication is inside the briefcase you will find in Pop´s bar, the one next to the Gilbert Thompson statue, and before that little mouth of yours speaks, yes I will accompany you, but remember the rule: 1 meter from me, you can´t see my face´´. Marcus just agreed with his head.

Imagen Z0051 sombra

He started to run towards the bar, checking at times that G.T was following him. Finally he arrived to the statue and looked it with melancholy, that man once tried to save them from the corrupt government, but died in the process, the fact that they were able to preserve that statue could be considered a miracle. Now, it was his turn to save someone, and he was decided to do it, checking one last time that G.T was there, he rushed into the bar, when suddenly he heard a familiar noise, it was the government´s police, his heart stopped.

He had been in prison for 3 weeks now, he didn´t even care about that, all he could think about was his family, the slightest thought about it would crush him. He was in the process of it when a guard told him some lady called Tiana had come to visit him. He couldn´t believe it, it was his mother! He didn´t understand how she could be there and alive, but he didn´t care, he didn´t want to find explanations, he just went as fast as he could to see her. Marcus was about to go into the visits room when a guard called his attention, he turned at him and what he saw left him without words: there was that weird smile with the golden teeth, but what left him speechless wasn´t how he could have entered there, it was the face he saw: it was Gilbert… G.T…, and in his eyes he could see the apology for the bar, but also the redemption for it.


Autora: Henar Segura Romero. Alumna de 4º de ESO del I.E.S Jorge Manrique.

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